The Duke Is Back 

Featured News Xbox

Big news has dropped for all lovers of gaming nostalgia, coming from the official Twitter feed of the father of Xbox himself Seamus Blackley ( @seamusblackley ) the original don of controllers the original Xbox controller “The Duke” is having a rebirth this coming March.

The Duke is set to have a bit of a facelift with an OLED screen on the controller, where the original “X” button was,to show the original boot screen from the OG Xbox also the inclusion of small bumper buttons to enable use with Xbox One – why do we need that ? you may ask, well just because you can.

Many claimed that the Duke was the most comfortable controllers out at the time with its styling but controllers have moved on since then so is there still a place for it? And at the rumored price point of $69.99 (around £50.00), well its a resounding HELL YEAH from me and by the sound of it,  its a HELL YEAH from most of the community as you guys made it happen as it was the response to Seamus’s tweet announcing that he wanted to start work on the re-do of the Duke that made him think it was an epic idea and ran with it.

So over to you guys what do you think ? Do we need a new Duke?  Or is he better in the console retirement home?  Let us know what you think!

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