H1Z1 is now Free to Play

Nowadays, “Battle Royale” games are trending and it would not be possible without one of it’s founding fathers, H1Z1. This game has had a long and confusing development cycle, and finally, it has it’s time to stand out from the crowd again with Auto Royale, a battle royale mode where you cannot leave the car.

A big problem now is that even though the game sold a lot of copies to the battle royale OGs back in the day, Battle Royale has a completely new, and more mainstream audience, due to the success of Fortnite’s Battle Royale game mode.

The game recently made the executive decision to go free to play, which has left many in shock, and some happy. Lots of people paid their good money for that game, but when it went free to play, the only reward are some loot boxes, which is definitely not enough to tide over an angry mob of people.

Lots of concerns have been presented about the number of hackers in the game going up, and I myself can agree that I have seen way more of these since the transition to free to play.

This is a very open topic that still has yet to grow, but The Loot Gaming is the best source for all the latest news on H1Z1, and the video game scene in general.

Reach out to me @tvkawaiisky and @thelootgaming on twitter for all of the latest updates and info.

Image result for h1z1 auto royale

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